The 5-5-5 Rule of Postpartum Recovery

Are you sick of seeing celebrities and magazines talking about “bouncing back after baby”? I know I am! The message that women need to get back to their pre-baby body or their pre-baby life days mere weeks after birth can be damaging and has the capacity to hinder your postpartum mental and physical well-being. Rather than a speedy bounce back, I’m all about encouraging new moms to take it slow. The 4th trimester is supposed to be about supporting softness, rest, and healing… not about the hustle. So, what’s the easiest way to support your postpartum recovery? Look to the 5-5-5 rule of postpartum.


What is the 5-5-5 Rule?

The 5-5-5 Rule is a guideline that divides your early postpartum into three phases: 5 days in bed, 5 days on the bed or couch, and 5 days near the bed. We’ll even add two phases to the mix… 5 days in the house and 5 days near the house. This gentle approach to recovery allows you to gradually transition from complete rest to gentle movement, all while prioritizing bonding with your newborn and tending to your own needs.

Let me break it down:

5 Days in Bed:

The first phase is all about embracing rest and relaxation. Regardless of what type of birth you had, your body has been through it! The physical and emotional energy it takes to not only grow a baby, but then to birth that baby is like nothing else your body has gone through. So now it's time to give it the care it deserves. I encourage all of my doula clients to spend these initial 5 days snuggled up in bed with their babies, focusing on skin-to-skin, overall bonding, and in general learning about your baby.

5 Days on the Bed:

As you start to regain strength, you can transition to the second phase—spending time sitting up and engaging in light activities while still in the comfort of your bed. Continue to prioritize skin-to-skin contact with your baby, as it fosters bonding and releases oxytocin, the "love hormone." If you’re feeling a bit restless, some light stretching isn’t out of the question, but listen to your body and stop when you’ve hit your limit.

5 Days around the Bed:

Next, it’s time to venture out of bed, but only if you’re ready! Again, listen to your body and if you need more time in bed, stay there! This is a great time to start adding gentle movement back into your routine. Take short walks around your home or engage in light household duties like folding laundry, all while listening to your body's signals. Remember, self-care is still very important, so prioritize activities that nourish both your physical and mental well-being.

5 Days in the House:

When you’re ready, you'll gradually expand your boundaries within the comfort of your home. Sit in your favorite spot by the window, join your family downstairs for a meal, or engage in some gentle postpartum yoga. This phase allows you to ease back into household routines without overdoing it.

5 Days Near the House:

Once you’ve allowed your body a few weeks of rest within your home, it will be time to explore the world beyond your doorstep. While still staying close to home, this is a great opportunity to venture outside for short walks or spend time in your backyard, soaking up the sunshine and fresh air. You can bring your baby to visit your neighbor or stop by for a mommy-baby play date. This may also be a good opportunity to start running errands on your own. Keep expectations low and do one small errand at a time as you get comfortable toting your baby around. This phase encourages gentle movement and connection with nature or your community, further supporting your physical and emotional well-being.

How a Postpartum Doula Can Help:

Navigating the days and weeks after birth can feel overwhelming, but you don't have to do it alone. Postpartum doulas are trained professionals who provide invaluable physical, emotional, and informational support. From assisting with newborn care to light meal preparation to ensuring you get the rest you need, a postpartum doula can gently guide you the phases of your postpartum recovery.

Not feeling confident to run errands on your own? Bring your doula?

Need some extra breastfeeding support? Ask your doula!

Want to enjoy a sitz bath alone? Your doula can care for your baby!

Whatever you need in your 4th trimester, a postpartum doula can help.

Ready to Embrace the 5-5-5 Rule?

If you're in Southern California and eager to experience the benefits of the 5-5-5 Rule firsthand, consider enlisting the support of a postpartum doula. Their expertise and compassionate care can help you navigate the ups and downs of early parenthood with confidence and ease.

Interested in learning more about postpartum doula support in Southern California? Click here to explore your options and take the first step toward a more peaceful postpartum journey.


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