How to Find the Best Doula Match

So, you've decided to dive headfirst into the wild world of parenthood? Buckle up, because it's gonna be a beautiful, chaotic, and joyous ride! But fear not, because we're here to talk about finding your perfect doula match—the one who'll be by your side, supporting you through it all.

  1. Don't Settle for Less: When it comes to choosing your doula, don't settle for someone who's just "meh." You want someone who gets you, who vibes with your energy, and who knows exactly how many ice chips you need during labor. Whether you're seeking support during childbirth, the postpartum period, for your fertility journey, or any stage of pregnancy, hold out for the one who gives you that warm, fuzzy feeling inside. Trust your gut—if it feels right, go for it. If not, keep looking.

  2. Ask the Tough Questions: Think of your doula interviews like a job interview, but way more personal. Don't be afraid to ask the tough questions, like "Can you handle my partner's terrible dad jokes?" or "What's your stance on epidurals?" The more you know, the better and communication is key, folks.

  3. Chemistry Counts: Chemistry isn't just for romantic relationships—it's essential for your doula match too. Your doula is there to hold your hand (literally and figuratively) through it all. You want someone who you click with, who makes you feel safe and supported, and who you can share your deepest fears and anxieties with.

  4. Embrace the Vulnerability: Let's be real—childbirth and early postpartum are messy and require lots of vulnerability. There's blood, sweat, tears, vulvas, breasts, and placentas. Your doula should be someone who you can be vulnerable with and someone you feel comfortable inviting into those deep, beautiful, and messy moments. If you don’t think you can cry, curse, puke, or get naked in front of your doula, they may not be the one for you.

At National Baby Co. helping you find your perfect doula match is what we do best! We hand-select matches specifically for you. No algorithms, no AI—just good ol' fashioned human connection. Whether you're looking for a birth doula, postpartum doula or newborn care specialist, fertility doula, or full-spectrum doula, we send you hand picked matches based on your unique needs, preferences, and vibes. It's like having your very own modern doula matchmaker!

Ready to find a doula or specialist to support you in pregnancy and postpartum? We’re here to help!


Create Your Own Birth Affirmations


How to Budget for a Postpartum Doula or Newborn Care Specialist